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2022-12-17 13:21:32 精选菜谱



第一步: 将白糖白醋,和盐一起拌匀,就做好寿司。 第二步: 做寿司,寿司饭是关键。最好用日本米,煮米前要洗米,用饭勺或是木棍搅拌,直到水清为止。水略多一点。电饭煲煲好后,趁热将寿司醋倒入拌匀,直到饭有酸味为止,并用电风扇吹凉,这就是寿司饭。 第三步: 把一张紫菜放在寿司席上,由左至右将饭铺好。将饭由上至下均匀的铺开,用力要轻。饭要铺的松,不要压扁饭粒。在米饭中间加入任何合你口味的馅料,如新鲜的三文鱼片,蟹肉鲜贝等,不喜欢吃海鲜的可以加蘑菇黄瓜,咸菜,香肠鸡蛋等。之后顺势用竹席将紫菜卷起,保持形状1分钟。 第四步切: 在刀上沾些水,免得粘。出刀要快。根据自己个人喜好和需求,一条寿司可以切成4~8片。 希望对你有帮助,并采纳我的回答,谢谢!(不清楚的可以追问)记得采纳啊





食材明细主料米饭2碗碳烧鳗鱼120克大根3细条胡萝卜3细条寿司紫菜3张辅料醋少量盐适量芝麻油适量**口味其他工艺十分钟耗时简单难度鳗鱼寿司卷的做法步骤请点击输入图片描述1晾凉的米饭加盐、醋、芝麻油拌均匀待用请点击输入图片描述2备好大根条、胡萝卜条,鳗鱼也切条请点击输入图片描述3取适量米饭摊开在紫菜上,稍为压实,摆上备好的配料请点击输入图片描述4从前边往前卷起请点击输入图片描述5卷实一些比较好请点击输入图片描述6切开就可以吃啦小窍门1 寿司卷里的用料可按个人喜欢选择。2. 米饭最好不要太干,不然容易散开不结实。3. 切寿司卷用刀锋利点的再沾点儿水会切得更好看。4. 大根就是腌渍萝卜,寿司里经常用到的。


包寿司需要的材料:萝卜条,火腿肠,寿司海苔,胡萝卜,黄瓜,鸡蛋皮,寿司醋,凉米饭。具体做法:1、将所有食材备齐,把胡萝卜,黄瓜和火腿肠切长条备用。2、在凉米饭中加入寿司醋拌匀。3、准备寿司卷帘。4、铺一张寿司海苔。5、铺上米饭,用手压平,在前端放胡萝卜条,火腿肠条,萝卜条和蛋皮条。6、拿起卷帘两端,把所有食材卷在一起。7、再卷一圈, 让卷帘和寿司固定好。8、卷好后,用刀切大小均匀的形状摆盘即可食用。


用料 高筋面粉 170克 低筋面粉 30克 面团中黄油 20克 裹入黄油 70克 奶粉 12克 鸡蛋 40克 盐 3克 干酵母 3克 水 88克 30g 丹麦手撕面包的做法 将面团材料一起放面包机里揉到勉强形成一层薄膜就行。揉好后放室温醒一小时(现在天气冷,放室外就行。夏天就放冰箱冷藏室里)用保险膜包住黄油,擀成片状,放冰箱里冷藏。醒好的面团擀开(硅胶垫上撒上一层薄薄的高筋面粉,这样防粘)上面铺上黄油片。擀开的面团将黄油片左右上下都包好。裹好的面团反过来,擀成长方形。把擀好的面三折叠被子。盖上保险膜,醒二十分钟;再擀开,叠被子,醒二十分钟;再擀开,叠被子,醒二十分钟。醒好后擀成长方形。自上而下切成五等份。切口朝上,整成你喜欢的图形吧。放烤箱里常温发酵到二倍大。发好后,表面刷蛋液,烤箱预热,上下火180度,烤二十分钟。烤出来一层一层的,真香!





工艺:蒸 口味:甜味主料:粳米(600克) 糯米粉(400克)调料:白砂糖(200克) 红曲(5克) 玫瑰花(5克)类别:上海菜甜品/点心制作工艺寿桃1.将糯米粉,粳米粉放入盛器,加白糖,红曲粉,清水300克拌匀,放入蒸桶内,入锅上旺火蒸20分钟左右,至米粉呈玉色时取出,倒在案板上。2.待熟粉稍冷,趁热用手工搓揉,分成20个小团,再用手搓圆,并捏成桃形,放上一些玫瑰花即成。八馅寿桃主料:发面辅料:蜜脯、葡萄干、松仁、山楂条、菠萝蜜饯、瓜子仁花生仁、豆沙烹制方法:1、将各种馅料放在一起,加入少许植物油,抓成团,发面揉匀制成皮,放入馅包好做成桃子形状的馒头;2、另取少许面团加入菜汁和咖啡粉揉匀,分别做成绿色和棕色的面团,绿色的面做成叶子,粘在馒头上,棕色的面揉成条,做成寿字粘在桃身上,将做好的寿桃上笼屉蒸20分钟左右即可。特点:形似寿桃,香甜可口。吉祥寿桃主料:面粉辅料:熟豆馅调料:白糖、酵母、泡打粉烹制方法:1、取一斤面粉,加入10克酵母粉、5克泡打粉、白糖少许,和成面团后,用湿布盖好醒发备用;2、将面团取出揪成大小适中的面剂,包入豆馅,制成寿桃形,用绿色面皮做叶,开锅后放入转中火蒸20分钟即可。


Let's Begin
If you do not have a Japanese rice cooker, a heavy pot with lid is essential( I like Lagostina cookware). One secret is to always measure your ingredients carefully. Following is a basic sushi rice recipe for rolled sushi. Also, the type of rice you use is most important.

We recommend the following brands: Kokuho Rose, Tamaki Gold, Tamanishiki, Nozomi and Yume.

Prepare Your Tezu
Your first step is to prepare your vinegar-water solution called tezu. Mix together 250 ml of water, 30 ml of rice vinegar (Marukan and Mitsukan are excellent) and 5 ml of salt.

(yields - 4 large rolls [futomaki] or 10 small rolls [hosomaki]) 500 ml Sushi Rice
600 ml Water
60 ml Rice Vinegar
30 ml Sugar
5 ml Salt

Wash The Rice
Wash the rice several times until the water runs fairly clear when draining. Let your wash rice strain for 30 minutes. Transfer the rice to your pot or Japanese electric rice cooker and add the measured water.

Cook The Rice
For electric rice cookers, turn on and wait for rice to finish cooking. For stove top cooking heat to boiling , cover tightly and simmer at lowest heat allowing the rice to steam for 18 minutes. You must leave it covered... no peaking!

Remove your pot from the heat and let stand covered for another 15 minutes.

Prepare Your Sushi Vinegar
Mix the vinegar, sugar and salt together in a small saucepan. Heat the mixture until the sugar dissolves, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and let your sushi vinegar cool to room temperature.

Take a wooden spatula or spoon and cut and fold the rice. Be gentle as you do not want to smash the cooked grains.

Prepare Your Mixing Bowl
Moisten your bowl with a cloth dampened with your TEZU mixture. The traditional bowl to use is the flat-bottomed wooden sushi oke or hangiri. The porous wood absorbs excess moisture and the large surface allows the rice to cool more quickly and evenly.

Put the hot rice into your mixing bowl and add 1/4 of the sushi vinegar solution. Mix with a folding motion so as to not smash your perfect sushi rice. Repeat until all sushi vinegar is used.

Fan Your Rice
After mixing, fan [electric fan will work] the hot rice mixture for about 5 or 6 minutes in order to remove excess moisture and create a glossy shine to your rice. Your rice should have a slight chewiness and be sticky to the touch.

You're Done
Et Voila! Sushilinks' perfect sushi rice – ready for rolling!